sOLUTIONS Through Discussions: Protecting your mental health recap!
This month Well Together hosted a 3-week Mental Health Series titled, “Solutions Through Discussions: Protecting Your Mental Health,” which highlighted and welcomed discussion around three different topics (mentioned below) related to Mental Health. Just in case you missed it we want to fill you in!
DIsconnect to Reconnect!
When was the last time you gave yourself permission to unplug from social media? Over the last week and a half I took some time to unplug from social media.
Spring Cleaning: Release and REalign
It’s that time again! Yes, you guessed right, it’s time for spring cleaning! This year spring cleaning is hitting different because I’m not only releasing clothes that no longer fit, but I’m taking it to the next level and releasing everything that is no longer serving me.
Stress management challenge: Reflection and Wrap up
Congratulations! You made it to the end of the 5-Day Stress Management Challenge! I hope you enjoyed participating in this challenge! I’m so proud of you and I want to celebrate your dedication in taking the time to prioritize yourself, getting to know yourself a little deeper, and taking steps to take back control of your life.
Stress Management Challenge: Coping Strategies
We're at the home stretch and we're getting into the fun stuff. Today is Day 4 of our Stress Management Challenge! Now we're exploring our coping strategies.
Stress mANAGEMENT cHALLENGE : signs and symptoms of stress
Today is Day 3 of the Stress Management Challenge and we're discussing signs and symptoms of stress.
You made it to Day 2 of the Stress Management Challenge. Today we are exploring stressors. First, we're going to begin by defining what a stressor is and explore some common stressors.
Stress Management Challenge: Exploring Our Beliefs about Stress
Welcome and thank you for participating in this challenge to proactively manage, reduce, and prevent stress! Today is Day 1 of the Stress Management Challenge and we're defining stress and exploring our beliefs about stress.