oUR planet, Our hEALTH
This week we observed World Health Day, which is celebrated annually on April 7th and each year draws attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world. This year’s theme was “Our Planet, Our Health”.
My Cup is Overflowing!
I say all of this to remind you to make it a daily habit to be proactive with filling your cup, whether in solitude, in community, or in the most simple or extravagant way you want to.
Getting Better With Money
April is also Financial Literacy Month! For many people, talking about money can be very uncomfortable, perhaps because of messages we received as children about money, beliefs we’ve developed around money as adults, our own past money mistakes, and more; which are all valid!
Well Together Hits 1-Year: Here’s What We’ve Learned
Just last week Well Together celebrated its one-year anniversary. One year brought a lot of success and lessons and we want to share a few quick business tips with you.
hOW CAN we Protect OUR MENTAL Health during times of conflict?
Last week we learned about the very unfortunate news of Russia invading Ukraine. Since the news broke, there have been ongoing updates on the news, social media, and all other media outlets. Although it is great to be informed, constant consumption can have a negative impact on our mental health.
What is toxic gratitude?
Toxic gratitude also known as gratitude shaming is basically beating yourself up for feeling sadness, anger, or other negative emotions because you should “be grateful.” This can make one feel as if they have to maintain a 24/7 attitude of gratitude and diminish our feelings when we are not feeling our best, having a bad day, or going through tough times, where gratitude doesn’t come so easy.
How was my getaway experience?
I’ve always wanted to go to a Getaway house, but initially fear and my preconceived thoughts about the distance always stopped me. However, I had such a wonderful experience!
How are we celebrating the month of love?
This year we want to celebrate self-love because self-love sets the foundation and tone for all relations and relationships.
3 tECHNIQUES To Stay grounded during uncertain times
The last two years have been full of uncertainty. Too often it seems like every day there’s something new. I don’t know about you, but for me that type of uncertainty can cause a ton of anxiety, stress, and more. Therefore, it is important to identify positive techniques that help you stay grounded and practice them regularly.