4 Ways to celebrate Community Health Improvement Week

Mark your calendars! Next week (June 5th-11th ), we’re celebrating Community Health Improvement Week (CHI Week)! This is an annual recognition week led by the American Hospital Association. This week serves as a time to honor the people working in partnership to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities and advance health equity. To some, this annual celebration may not be widely known, therefore, we wanted to spread awareness about CHI Week as we continue to navigate the pandemic and additional health concerns that are arising daily, continue to confront the rising health disparities experienced by vulnerable populations each and everyday, and so much more. Ultimately, all of this can’t be done without organizations and leaders who are taking action daily to improve the well-being of the communities they serve.

Similarly, Well Together is working diligently to support and partner with organizations to introduce the communities they serve to Holistic Wellness to improve both the well-being of the individual and the collective. Therefore, as we prepare for Community Health Improvement Week, we want to share some ways that you can celebrate CHI Week!

  1. Highlight your organization’s community Health Initiatives

Take an opportunity to share and highlight your organization’s community health initiatives via your social media platforms and use the hashtag #CHIWEEK. This can also include, successes of your initiatives, new partnerships, and future initiatives.

2. Celebrate Your Employees and Community Partners

So often we can get so focused on getting things done and forget to celebrate our progress. Therefore, we encourage you to celebrate your employees and community partners for the the great work that they are doing, especially, as it relates to advancing the health and well-being of the populations that you serve.

3. TAG Your Inspiration

Tag or repost an organization that inspires you and express your appreciation and support for the work that they are doing.

4. Open Up the floor

Invite the community, your team, and/or your followers to reflect and share about their “WHY”. Here are a few prompts offered by the American Hospital Association:

  • “A bright spot in my team’s community health improvement work…”

  • “To improve community health this year, my team…”

  • “What inspires me to work in community health is…”

As we celebrate Community Health Improvement Week, feel free to get creative in highlighting your organization and community partner’s community health improvement efforts!

Also, check out our infographic below to learn more about Well Together’s efforts around improving the well-being of the individual and the collective.


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