Happy Tuesday!
You made it to Day 2 of the Stress Management Challenge. Today we are exploring stressors. First, we're going to begin by defining what a stressor is and explore some common stressors.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a stressor can be defined as, "a stimulus that causes stress." That was a simple definition! Now let's take it a step further and consider the current climate and some of the top sources of stress: inflation, gas prices, energy bills, grocery costs, supply chain issues, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic, and more.
Beyond this current climate, here are some other common stressors that we may encounter daily include:
Poor time management
Lack of social support
Unpaid bills
Conflict with others
Unplanned expenses
The pressure of "making ends meet"
School or work deadlines
Toxic or high-pressure work culture
Death of a loved one
Work promotion
Poor health
Too much on your plate
Children and Family
Relationships Difficulties
Today, I CHALLENGE YOU to take 5 minutes to dig deep and list your stressors, then consider small changes that you can make proactively plan ahead or avoid those stressors you listed.
Have a fantastic day,