tips to Create the life you want with your vision board!

Next month, Well Together is hosting a Vision Board Party and you’re invited!

So let’s take a moment to discuss manifesting and vision boards. One of my first experiences of learning about manifesting was after reading “The Secret.” Reading the secret, I learned about the idea of the “Law of Attraction”. I deposited that information, but I didn’t use it right way.

Later on when experiencing some of my own challenges around anxiety and supporting clients with some of their mental health challenges, I began experimenting with positive self-talk and affirmations. Incorporating the two into my daily routine became evidence to support the statement, “What you focus on you create more of.” It was this shift in mindset that made me a believer and led me to revisit the information that I had gained around the “Law of Attraction”

To start, I started small, but didn’t follow through with much action. Overtime, I focused on thinking about what I what really wanted out of life and why, continuing my self-development, studying people who were living the life I want to live, and compiling visuals of what I wanted.

Tips For Manifesting:

  • Explore your values- your values are the foundation for your “why”

  • Figure Out What You Want For Your Life - ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

  • Get Clear On Your Goals - What goals will get you to the life you want?

  • Believe in Yourself - this is key to creating the life you want.

  • Shift Your Mindset -involves learning and unlearning.

  • Take Action- nothing moves unless you do!

  • Surround Yourself Around People Who Reflect The Life You Want - this is your evidence that it is possible for you.

What Is A Vision Board?

A vision board is a visual tool that usually consistS of a collage of images and words that help you manifest your dreams and get you to where you want to go. Although vision boards are a commonly used tool, there isn’t much evidence regarding its effectiveness. However, some say that vision boards can help us more easily reach our goals because they help us to see visuals of our goals.

Tips For Creating Your Vision Board

  • Know Your Why- It can be easy to get caught up in what everyone else wants or has, but that doesn’t mean that it will bring you the same joy or fulfillment, therefore, you should be intentional about what YOU want.

  • The Sky Is The Limit-No goal is to small or too big. If you want it, include it, because you can do!

  • Create A Plan of Action- I love the quote, “Belief without action is dead.” Many times we know our why, have our goals, and believe in ourselves, but don’t plan or take action.

I hope to see you at our Vision Board Party! Click here to Sign Up!


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