Well Together

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Well Together Hits 1-Year: Here’s What We’ve Learned

Just last week Well Together celebrated our one year anniversary. For some that might sound like nothing, but its major to us! One year brought a lot of success and lessons and we want to share a few quick business tips with you.

3 REFLECTIONs 1-Year Later

  1. Go At Your Own Pace - Since the pandemic began it seems as if everyone is an entrepreneur, which is very empowering, but can also be very overwhelming. When I first started well together, I often found myself comparing myself, trying to make everything perfect, and rushing the process, which caused me to feel stressed out, overwhelmed, lost, frustrated, discouraged, confused, impatient, out of alignment, and more.

    One day, I had to sit with myself and give myself a pep talk to ensure that I am being intentional, adding value, enjoying, and celebrating every moment of the process.

  2. Do The Work (Personally and Professionally) - When I say this, a few things come to mind: money mindset, healing, self-care, and work ethic. I want to specifically, speak on money mindset and healing, because I believe if these two things are not addressed on an ongoing basis then there can negatively spillover in may ways into your business. Personally, I had to do some work around my money mindset unlearn some of my negative patterns around money and reassess my relationship with money, so I can make financially appropriate choices not only personally, but also for my business.

    In terms of healing, I had to be honest with myself about the things that I needed to heal from in order to release everything that was no longer serving me, experience peace, and also unlock new doors and new opportunities. As I have been traveling along my journey, I noticed that my awareness and ability to respond instead of react. This might look like not taking things personally, practicing clear and honest communication, knowing my worth, etc.

  3. Stay True To Your Vision-We were all put on this earth with a purpose and /or divine assignment that only we possess that particular idea. Of course, we need people to help us along the way and we may even need to pivot at times when we find ourselves derailing. At all times, it is always important to remember your “why”, respectfully take what you need and leave the rest (when it comes to advice, social media, etc.), your values, and stay grounded in your faith to guide you, protect you, and provide you with all the answers you need.

    Let us know if these business tips are helpful to you and please feel free to share some of your insights that you’ve gained wherever you are on entrepreneurship journey!